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[摘要]Los Angeles has a great many attractions it is known for: the Hollywood sign, the TCL Chinese Theatres, the stars along Hollywood Blvd, just to name a few — and that’s not even touching on the many great art and history museums in the ci...

  Los Angeles has a great many attractions it is known for: the Hollywood sign, the TCL Chinese Theatres, the stars along Hollywood Blvd, just to name a few — and that’s not even touching on the many great art and history museums in the city (or, for that matter, nearby Disneyland.) Well, now LA has yet another fun attraction to add to its collection: a glass slide that’s 1,000 feet high. 洛杉矶有许多著名景点,举几个例子:好莱坞地标,TCL中国大剧院,好莱坞星光大道——更别说那些伟大的艺术和历史博物馆(说到这一点,还要提到附近的迪斯尼乐园)。然而,现在洛杉矶又有了一个有趣的景点:1000英尺(305米)高的玻璃滑梯。

  Almost a thousand feet above the city, there is a 45-foot long, 1.25 inch thick clear glass slide attached to the side of the US Bank building, which allows riders to slide down from the 70th floor to the 69th. There is also an adjoining 360-degree observation deck called the Skyspace, which gives visitors more time to enjoy the view or realize their fear of heights. 洛杉矶的联邦银行大楼离地约一千英尺,一侧装有一个45英尺长,1.25英寸厚的透明玻璃滑梯,乘客可以从第七十层滑到第六十九层。旁边还有一个360度观景台,称为空中观景平台(skyspace),给游客更多的时间来享受美景或发觉自己的恐高症。

  According to Instagram fans, the “Skyslide” is pretty darn cool.据图片分享应用Instagram的粉丝称,“空中滑梯”相当酷。

  We hope the slide is as cool as it looks — it cost as much as a roller coaster to build: $3.5 million! We’re not sure what’s more terrifying: the price tag or the actual experience. To ride, visitors board a gray mat and pull it up over their feet to form a makeshift sled, then scoot themselves over the precipice. Commence screaming! (Concerned about traffic jams? Don’t be: Only one person may go at a time.) 我们希望这个滑梯跟看起来一样酷,因为它花费的成本赶得上一个 过山车:350万美元!我们不确定价格标签和实际体验哪个更惊人。要玩这个滑梯,游客坐在一个灰色的垫子上,将垫子拉起,盖过自己的脚,形成一个临时的雪 橇,然后迅速滑下滑梯。开始尖叫!(关心交通堵塞?无需担心:每次只有一个人可以去。)

  And don’t worry, the slide is perfectly safe. Lucy Rumantir, president and chief executive of the company that owns the building, told The Los Angeles Timesthat “the slide is strong enough to hang a school bus filled with people off of it.” That’s pretty darn strong. 别担心,滑梯非常安全。露西-罗曼特尔是该建筑所属公司的总裁兼首席执行官,她告诉《洛杉矶时报》说,“这个滑梯足以挂住一辆挤满人的校车。”那是相当的牢靠。

  Nonetheless, if you are not comfortable riding the slide, you can chill out on the Skyspace and take in the view. To ease those nerves with liquid courage, the Skyspace will also host a small bar. 不过,如果你滑滑梯会觉得不适,可以在空中观景平台上放松一下,看看风景。空中观景平台还将设一个小酒吧,你还可以喝点酒精饮料舒缓一下神经。

  Tickets to visit the Skyspace are $25 for adults, $22 for seniors, and $19 for children ages 3-12. A ride on the Skyslide costs an additional $8. 空中观景平台的门票价格为成人25美元,老年人22美元,3-12岁的儿童19美元。乘坐“空中滑梯”额外收费8美元。





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