发布时间:2016-07-13 11:58 我来说说 我要投稿
If you are reading this sat at your desk, wishing you were anywhere else other than at work, you might think you share the same attitude towards your job as people around the world.此刻坐在桌前阅读这篇文章的你,假如你的心飞到了办公室外,你大概会以为世界上其他人对工作的态度都和你一样。
But more than seven in 10 of us don’t mind the daily grind and are actually pretty happy at work, according to the results of an annual survey.但是,一份年度调查结果显示,我们当中超过十分之七的人并不讨厌日复一日的工作,事实上,多数人在工作时挺快乐的。
The findings come from the latest well-being work barometer, carried out by Edenred-Ipsos, which questioned 14,400 employees in 15 countries around the world and found that 71 percent of people reported feeling positive about their work.该调查结果来自最新的幸福工作晴雨表,该项目由艾登瑞德-益普索机构实施,对来自全球15个国家共14400名员工进行了调查,发现有71%的员工持有积极乐观的工作态度。
As you might expect, well-being at work came down to a mix of factors, including the working environment, how much people feel appreciated and how they feel about the work they do.正如你所预期的那样,工作幸福感取决于多种因素,包括工作环境,感觉到自己受重视的程度,以及对工作内容的看法。
However, while the report found a high level of well-being overall, there were differences between countries.然而,尽管报告结果显示人们的工作幸福感总体较高,但是不同国家之间还是有所差别。
Indian employees came out top of the pile, with 88 percent of workers reportedly feeling positive about their work. While Japan fared far worse, with just 44 percent of employees surveyed responding positively about their jobs.印度员工的工作幸福感最强,据报道,有88%的员工对工作充满热情。然而,日本的情况却糟糕得多,受访员工中,只有44%回应称对工作持乐观态度。
The UK and China were on equal footing, with an average of 71 percent of workers scoring positively for workplace well-being, with the US nudging higher with 77 percent.英国与中国旗鼓相当,平均71%的员工的工作幸福感较高。而美国比例略高,达77%。
According to the team behind the annual survey, 10 items related to well-being at work were identified, broken down into three ‘pillars’ of ‘environment’, ‘appreciation’ and ‘emotion’.开展年度调查的团队表示,已确定有10种因素与工作幸福感相关,它们可以分为“环境因素”、“受重视度”和“情感因素”三类。
They found that across all countries, environmental factors scored highest, including knowing what was required of them at work.该团队发现,在参与调查的所有国家中,环境因素得分最高,其中包括了解自己的工作要求。
But employees across the world are falling short when it comes to appreciating their workers, as are ‘emotion’-related scores – such as how much someone enjoys going to work in the morning and how interested they are in their job.但是,当提到受重视度时,世界各地的员工都打分偏低。情感因素也是如此,情感因素包括员工是否喜欢早晨起床去上班的感觉,以及对工作的兴趣有多大。
Trends emerged across countries in terms of what was most important to them. Well-being was most related to environment for Japan, Turkey, China, Italy and Poland.哪类因素对工作幸福感最重要?不同的国家有不同的倾向。在日本、土耳其、中国、意大利和波兰这些国家中,环境因素与工作幸福感的联系最为密切。
In India, Mexico, Brazil and Chile, emotional factors such as enjoying coming to work and being stimulated by the job were most important.而在印度、墨西哥、巴西和智利,情感因素,如享受工作以及受工作激励等,最为重要。
While for Spain, the UK and the US, the three categories were more equal, with less emotional factors having an impact on well-being compared to employees in other nations.然而,对于西班牙、英国和美国而言,这三类因素对于工作幸福感的重要程度更均衡,相较于其他国家,情感因素对工作幸福感产生的影响较小。