发布时间:2016-05-28 09:26 我来说说 我要投稿
你在表达想法的时候永远只会 I think 吗?挤不出别的词了吧?
1. 我是这样看的
In my opinion / In my view
Inmyopinion, thepreviousproposalseemsratherfeasible.我认为前一个方案是比较
In my eyes
My perspective on ( something ) is
From my perspective
Frommyperspective, nothingisasimportantasmyfamily.我认为没有任何事物比得上我的家人。
From where I stand
To my way of thinking
Tomywayofthinking, goodhealthisoverwealth.我认为健康胜过财富。
The way I see it
It seems to me that
As I see it
AsIseeit, heseemedabitbiasedagainstwomen.依我看,他对女人有点成见。
As for me
To my mind
For my part
Personally, Iratherstayhomethanhangingoutwithfriends.我个人喜欢待在家里胜过和朋友出去玩。
My point is
My position on this problem is
Mypositiononthisproblemisthat theeducationreformwasadisaster.在我看来教育改革是一场灾难。
2. 就我所知
As far as I am concerned
As far as I know
AsfarasIknow, exercisingregularlyisbeneficialtoyourhealth.就我所知,有规律的运动对身体是有益的。
To my knowledge / To my understanding
3. 老实说、坦白说、说实话
Frankly speaking
To be frank
Tobefrank, Idon’t reallylikeSambecauseheissobossy.坦白说,我不太喜欢山姆,因为他很爱颐指气使。
To be honest
To tell you the truth
Totellyouthetruth, Ihavegotabetteroffer.告訴你實話,我錄取了一個更好的工作。
4. 我认为
I reckon (比较常用于非正式场合)
I reckonwegoout fordinner.我想我们可以出去吃晚餐。
I feel
I figure that
I assume / hold / suggest that
Isuggest thatyoutakeawalkafterdinner.我认为你饭后应该要去散步。
5. 我相信、我坚信
I believe / maintain that
I am convinced that
Iamconvincedthatone’s attitudeismoreimportantthanhisability.我坚信一个人的态度比他的能力还重要。
It is my belief that
Itismybeliefthatone’s healthisinfluencedbymind.我相信一个人的心理会影响健康。
6. 我想说的是
I’d like to say
I’d like to point out
I would say
I wouldsay, youshouldapologizetoyourmother.我觉得你应该要向你妈道歉。
I should say
7. 深思熟虑过的想法
All things considered
Allthingsconsidered, we’re doingquitewell.从各方面來看,我认为我们做的不錯。
8. 恕我直言 (怕冒犯对方所以怀着敬意、有礼地说)
With all due respect
Withallduerespect, Ihavetherighttodemandarefund.恕我直言,我有权利要求退费。
Pardon me, but
Pardonme, butIhavetosaythatIdon’t likethisdesign.请原谅我,但我必须说,我不喜欢这个设计。
9. 如果你问我… (通常是用在给建设性意见时)
If you ask me
Ifyouaskme, you’d betterbuyanewcomputer.我认为你买台新电脑会比较好。
If you want my opinion
《摆脱只会用 I think 表达想法的魔咒!》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/402534.html,谢谢合作!