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[摘要]爱语导读:这极有可能是科比最后一个赛季,所以这也将是科比的最后一次的美国NBA全明星赛,看来球迷们很期待他的表演。 The NBA released the second round of voting results for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game on Thursday, and Los Angeles Lakers legend Ko...


  The NBA released the second round of voting results for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game on Thursday, and Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant continues to lead all vote-getters by a extremely healthy margin.


  The 37-year-old Bryant has amassed 1,262,118 votes, which not only leads all players, but leads runner-up Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors — the reigning NBA Most Valuable Player and last year’s top vote-getter — by more than 330,000 votes, and leads the combined totals of the next two most popular selections: Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James (636,388 votes to lead all Eastern Conference players) and Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant (616,096).

  37 岁的科比累积得票1262118张,不仅领先其他球员,而且比上赛季MVP及去年票王得主金州勇士队的史蒂芬-库里多出了33万多票,同时其票数超过了接 下来的克利夫兰骑士队勒布朗-詹姆斯(以636388票领跑东部球员)和俄克拉荷马雷霆队凯文-杜兰特(616096票)两名球员票数的总和。

  As I wrote on Christmas Day, Bryant’s monster vote count is both indicative of just how many fans want to see Kobe compete in the February exhibition one last time before retiring at the end of this season, and a placement that doesn’t at all accurately depict the overall level of Bryant’s play on the court for the 8-28 Lakers. And, as I wrote then, it doesn’t bother me too much; this, after all, is the point of having a fan vote — allowing fans to have their say in which players they’d like to see on the court. They’d like to see Kobe in Toronto, even if it is very fair to say that he has not been one of the dozen best players in the West through the season’s first two-plus months, and it sure as heck looks like they’ll get their wish.

  正 如我在圣诞节那天写到的那样,科比在这个赛季结束将会选择退役,而他这惊人的票数显示出有多少球迷希望还能在最后全明星的舞台上见他一次,但这一点也不能 准确地反映科比在赛场上的整体水平,要知道湖人目前的战绩只有8胜18负。当然,虽然我这样写到,但这也没给我太多困惑;毕竟,这是球迷们的投票——允许 球迷选出他们最希望在球场上看到的球员。即使通过这个赛季前两个多月的表现,客观的说,科比已经不是西部12名最好的球员之一了,但球迷们希望在多伦多看 到科比,而且他们的愿望也肯定能够实现。

  That said, it’s hard not to feel a bit bummed out for whichever player winds up getting bumped out of an earned starting spot by the overwhelming support for Bryant’s candidacy. Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green currently leads San Antonio Spurs stud Kawhi Leonard by less than 2,000 votes in the race for third place; while Durant-Green-Leonard is almost surely the most deserving Western frontcourt troika of the season to date, with apologies to fifth-place Blake Griffin, one of the Dray-Kawhi duo will wind up coming off the pine for the conference squad. Oh, well. They’ll have to content themselves with almost-assured All-NBA First or Second Team berths come year’s end.

  即 便如此,那些理应获得首发位置却因为科比得到过度的支持而最终被挤掉的球员,难免会感到沮丧。金州勇士队的德雷蒙德-格林与比他少不到2000票的圣安东 尼奥马刺队的科怀·莱昂纳德一起竞争第三的位置;尽管本赛季到目前为止,杜兰特-格林-莱昂纳德是西部最实至名归的三巨头,但格林-莱昂纳德两人中最终将 不得不离开一个,同样遗憾的还有排在第五的格里芬。噢,好吧。他们肯定会让自己更满足于今年的几乎已经锁定的NBA第一阵容或者第二阵容。

  More than that, though, it’s the trickle-down effect. Since Kobe starting means a should-be top-three frontcourt player doesn’t get the fan vote, that means that the coaches will have to name that player as one of the West’s reserves. That means there’s one fewer bench slot available for a player who also merits consideration, which means some very good player having a very good first half — say, DeMarcus Cousins, or Dirk Nowitzki, or Derrick Favors, or DeAndre Jordan — will wind up getting the short end of the stick. That’s a bummer, because there’s a really good chance that whichever player ends up on the outside looking in will be a more "deserving" player than the 2015-16 version of Kobe. Then again, it’s also the cost of doing business; in All-Star games, "deserve" doesn’t really have much to do with it.

  然 而,不仅仅是这样,这是一个扩散效应。科比获得首发意味着一个本应是前三的前场球员被挤掉,这样教练不得不安排这名球员作为替补。而这意味着替补席上的空 缺也将少一个,这样那些目前表现非常好的球员,像考辛斯,诺维斯基,德里克-费沃斯,德安德鲁·乔丹等,最终也将受到不公平待遇。这是非常遗憾的,因为几 乎肯定会有一名表现比2015-16赛季的科比更“值得”参加的球员被挡在全明星赛场外面。然而,这就是商业联盟的成本;在全明星游戏中,“值得”这个词 与它本身的意思没有多大关系。

  If voting closed today, the starting lineups would be Bryant, Durant and Green up front alongside Curry and Oklahoma City Thunder star Russell Westbrook in the backcourt for the West, squaring off against James, Paul George of the Indiana Pacers, Detroit Pistons center Andre Drummond (who, as you recall, is President Barack Obama’s pick), Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade and LeBron’s Cavalier teammate, Kyrie Irving, who still holds a lead over 2015 All-Stars Kyle Lowry of the Toronto Raptors, Jimmy Butler of the Chicago Bulls and John Wall of the Washington Wizards despite playing in just seven games this season.

  如 果投票今天结束,西部全明星首发阵容将由科比、杜兰特、格林三个前场球员和库里、俄克拉荷马雷霆队的威斯特布鲁克两个后场球员组成,对战来自东部的勒布朗 -詹姆斯、印第安纳步行者的保罗-乔治、底特律活塞队的德拉蒙德(如果你还记得的话,奥巴马总统选择支持他)、迈阿密热火队的当家球星韦德和詹姆斯的队友 凯里-欧文,其中,尽管欧文这个赛季只打了七场比赛,他的票数依然要超过上赛季的全明星多伦多猛龙队的洛瑞、芝加哥公牛队的吉米-巴特勒和华盛顿奇才队的 约翰-沃尔。

  The next update for balloting comes Jan. 14, with voting wrapping up on Jan. 18, the starters announced Jan. 21, and reserves voted on by the coaches before being announced Jan. 28. The game will take place Sunday, Feb. 14 at Air Canada Centre in Toronto.













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