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[摘要]During President Xi's visit to London, October, 2015, he asked to visit two universities in the UK, one of which was the Imperial College - a member of the UK G5 BRICS universities, together with Oxford and Cambridge are called the “three...

  During President Xi's visit to London, October, 2015, he asked to visit two universities in the UK, one of which was the Imperial College - a member of the UK G5 BRICS universities, together with Oxford and Cambridge are called the “three pillars" super universities, and is also the Alma Mater of the straight A student and good-looking actor Aarif Lee.2015年10月,习大大访英期间,点名要参观英国的两所大学,其中一所就是帝国理工学院——英国G5金砖院校,与牛津大学和剑桥大学“三足鼎立”的超级学府,也是颜值爆表的学霸男神李治廷的母校!

  When Aarif was 18 years old, he was accepted by the London Imperial College. At that time, he majored in physics, not music. When he was asked why in an interview, he answered frankly: "I like science, but I start to find physics interesting later. At that time, all my attention was turned to music and I thought that I would do some music-related job when I was 16 years old, behind the scenes or in front of the curtain. But what should be my sideline? And if I couldn't achieve anything in the music circle, what should I do to feed myself? At that time a lot of physics graduates went to investment banks. That was a money-making job. I thought that was fine and I also liked physics. So I decided to learn physics. The three-year's suffering was much harder than what I'm doing now."李治廷18岁的时候考上了英国伦敦帝国理工大学,攻读物理专业,而非音乐专业。至于为什么选择物理专业,在接受采访时,他坦诚:“我喜欢理科,但物理比较晚才喜欢。那时我的心在音乐上,16岁时我已经觉得自己以后是一定要做音乐的,幕后幕前都行,那副业是什么呢?如果音乐不成功,得能养活自己。那时很多物理系毕业生都去了投行,很赚钱。我觉得还可以,也喜欢,就去了。学了三年,彻底熬死了,比现在的工作辛苦好多。”

  But Aarif’s life in the Imperial College was not easy. In the interview, he said: "In the first year, I already planned to tell my parents that I might not graduate. You could imagine that was not pleasant. It was not only a waste of time but also a wast of my parent's money. I said to them that my dream was music anyway, and I had already signed a contract so I'd rather concentrate on writing music. They said I could wait to see the results first. Finally, the results turned out to be good! Then I gained confidence in the next year and it was not difficult for me to graduate in the third year."但李治廷的求学之路也不是一帆风顺的,接受采访时,他说:“我第一年已经打算告诉爸妈可能毕不了业,你可以想象,那么丑的事情,浪费时间又浪费了家人的钱。我说,反正我的理想是音乐,都签了合约,不如我就好好写歌吧。他们说,先看看成绩。结果成绩出来,原来很好哎!第二年就有了信心,第三年毕业也不是那么难。”

  As the benefit of the British education system and the open and relaxed atmosphere, Aarif formed a band with other overseas students when he was in Britain. He laughingly called their band the 'London U'. If he hadn't become an actor, he would probably become a musician.得益于英国的教育体制和宽松开放的氛围,在英国留学期间,李治廷跟当地的留学生组了一个乐队,他笑称他们乐队是London U 乐队。要不是做了演员,他很可能成为音乐人。

  By the way, let's take a look at the London Imperial College, or simply known as the Imperial College. Founded in 1907, it is a London-based public research university. In the 2015 QS World University Rankings , the Imperial College tied the University of Cambridge for second, next to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Imperial College is a member of the G5 Universities (other members are the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the London School of Economics and the University College London).顺带科普一下吧:伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College, London),又称帝国理工学院或简称帝国理工,成立于1907年,是一所位于英国伦敦的公立研究型大学。在2015年QS世界大学排名中与剑桥大学并列排名第二,仅次于美国麻省理工学院。与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦大学学院并称为英国的“G5超级精英大学”。


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