发布时间:2015-12-28 11:05 我来说说 我要投稿
Mauritania president Mohaed Ould Abdel Aziz allegedly orderd a penalty shootout during his country’s Super Cup final… in the 63rd minute.
The 58-year-old president, was present at the Super Cup match between FC Tevragh-Zeina and ACS Ksar.
58岁的毛里塔尼亚总统,出席了Acs Kasr和Tevragh-Zeina两队之间的超级杯足球赛决赛。
But Gazzetta reports that Aziz wasn’t enjoying the fixture, and 63 minutes in, with the scores locked at 1-1, he ordered penalties to be taken.
然而,Gazzetta 报道,阿齐兹并不享受这场比赛,在比赛进行到第63分钟,比分是1比1的时候,他命令直接进入点球大战。
It is claimed Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz was so bored in the stands as FC Tevragh-Zeina battled ACS Ksar, that he requested the referee stop the match and settle it with spot-kicks. Tevragh-Zeina won the farce shootout, but it was a victory overshadowed by outrage.
据称,穆罕默德·阿齐兹认为 FC Tevragh-Zeina与ACS Ksar之间的对决实在是无聊,他要求裁判员中止比赛,直接进行点球大战。最后Tevragh-Zeina 队赢得点球大战,但这场胜利完全被愤怒所掩盖。
However, Mauritanian federation’s president, Ahmed Ould Abderrahmane, later released a statement in which he tried to shift the blame to ’organisational issues’.
然而,毛里塔尼亚足协主席Ahmed Ould Abderrahmane之后发表声明,他试图将责任转移到“组织问题”上。
He said: ’I deny in the strongest terms the intervention of the President of the Republic.The decision was made due to organizational issues in accordance with the presidents and the coaches of the two teams.’
他说:“我强烈的否认共和国总统的干预,这一决定是由于组织问题,总统和两队教练协商一致而做出的决定。” 来源:the guardian
《非洲国家总统嫌比赛太无聊叫停 改踢点球大战》由河南新闻网-豫都网提供,转载请注明出处:http://edu.yuduxx.com/peixun/301930.html,谢谢合作!