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[学英语] 这些习语看字面怎么就猜错了?

[摘要]1. Go into overdrive 【例句】 -1) With exams only two weeks away, the students have gone into overdrive and are studying ten hours a day. -2) The tabloid press went into overdrive at the news that the princess is involved in an affair. -3)...


  1. Go into overdrive



  -1) With exams only two weeks away, the students have gone into overdrive and are studying ten hours a day.

  -2) The tabloid press went into overdrive at the news that the princess is involved in an affair.

  -3) The government officials are in overdrive preparing for the upcoming economic forum.

  【解释】To start working very hard, or to start doing something excitedly.

  2. Oil the wheels



  -1) An aid programme was established to oil the wheels of economic reform in the region.

  -2) You can count on our boss to oil the wheels of the company so we can have a large profit margin again by the end of the year.

  -3) Money is inadequate to oil the wheels of economic recovery.

  【解释】To make it easier for something to happen; to ensure everything runs smoothly.

  3. Give the shirt off one's back



  -1) The priest would give the shirt off his back to help the poor.

  -2) You can always count on Jerry when you are in trouble; he'd give you the shirt off his back.

  -3) The soldier would give any of his army buddies the shirt off his back.

  【解释】To give anything and do anything to help, no matter what the personal sacrifice.

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