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[摘要]介词是句子中的精灵,它和动词组在一起,会增加动词的强度、亮度,使动词更具动感,像speak up就比单单speak有力。我们一起来看以下的句子,比较A与B句,你会惊叹介词的魅力与表现力。B中出现的at,behind,by,on,with等都是常见的介词,但这小小的介词真...

  介词是句子中的精灵,它和动词组在一起,会增加动词的强度、亮度,使动词更具动感,像speak up就比单单speak有力。我们一起来看以下的句子,比较A与B句,你会惊叹介词的魅力与表现力。B中出现的at,behind,by,on,with等都是常见的介词,但这小小的介词真的起了“画龙点睛”的作用。

  1. 当我听到这事时,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。

  A:I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this

  B:I couldn't believe my ears at this.

  2. 她死后留下6个孩子。

  A:She left six children after she died

  B:She left six children behind died.

  3. 如果需要帮助,就给我打电话,号码是27215033。

  A:If you need help,just ring me up.My telephone number is27215033.

  B:If you need help,just ring me up at 27215033

  4. 我们举杯庆祝他的成功。

  A:We raise a toast to congratulate him on his great success.

  B:We raise a toast to his great success.

  5. 这段文章生词太多,真是太难理解了。

  A:There are so many ncw words in this passage,so it is hard forme to understand.

  B:With too many new words in it,this passage is beyond me.

  6. 他因为30票之差输了竞选。

  A:He missed election because of 30 votes

  B:He missed election by 30 votes.

  7. 证据对他不利。

  A:The evidence is not good for him.

  B:The evidence is against him.

  8. 我可以帮你完成这个项目。

  A:I can help you finish the project.

  B:I can help you with the project.

  9. 我买单。

  A:I'll pay the bill.

  B:It's on me.










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