发布时间:2016-10-28 08:57 我来说说 我要投稿
SAT:2130 (CR: 650; W: 690; M: 790)
FROM Jeremy
TOEFL: 109
SAT: 2130 (Reading: 650, Writing: 690, Math: 790)
Hobbies: Board Games, Soccer, Volunteering
Result: Bucknell University
Runners-Up: Georgia Tech, University of Rochester
Harry's Story(中)
ECL是一家与众不同的中介机构。ECL最大的不同在于他很好地把握了每个学生特点,并且让我们在申请中将这些特点加以放大。在加入ECL之前,我和其他几家教育机构的留学负责人也进行过沟通,得到的答复无非是“根据你的标化成绩保证高排名的学校”,这些敷衍的话并以此不断催促我缴费。这样的留学机构完全忽视学生的个性和学校的特点是否契合,而只在乎大学排名—事实上排名没有太大的意义。而ECL的负责人Jeremy(和他交流可以全程中文哦!)对美国大学的了解非常深刻,在为每个学生定选校名单时都充分考虑了每个学生不同的特点。比如说:我大学的方向是理工科,Jeremy没有让我申请排名较高而理工很一般的学校。我的School List中每所学校都有雄厚的工程资源,这对我专业的成长才是真正有帮助的。同时,Jeremy为学生制定的School List包含范围很广,不局限于那些名气很大的学校,还包含了一些在国内名气不大但教育资源却非常优质的文理学院,经过深思熟虑之后,我最终选择巴克奈尔大学(Bucknell University)而放弃了佐治亚理工(Georgia Tech)。可以说,在Jeremy为我量身定制的学校名单(unique School List)中,无论进入哪一个学校都会让我感到欣喜。然后我要狠狠表扬一下ECL的文书老师!他们基本上都是美国名校的高材生,修改文书的水平可谓无与伦比,让我的写作能力快速提升!我的第一个文书老师Adam,是一个大眼睛长相酷似厄齐尔的帅哥,他是负责暑假文书以及头脑风暴的,我的个人陈述(Personal Statement)也基本是他负责。他从不否定我们的任何奇葩想法,总是对我们的想法加以鼓励,让我们勇敢的去做、去尝试。但,在我修改的过程中,他是锱铢必较的,比如我的表达过于Chinglish(中国化)、使用僵化的英语词汇、又或者思维模式太中国化的地方,他都能及时纠正,非常认真负责。又比如说:我在开头想故作姿态,用诗意的场景进行开头,就被Adam制止了,原因是一大段毫无意义的场景描述会占用你有限的表述空间,让阅读者抓不住重点,Adam的英语让我规避了很多这样的问题。这要是给中国文书老师来改,可能就无法给出这样专业的建议。另一个文书老师是Natasha,我的个人陈述(Personal Statement)收尾工作和之后各个学校的补充文书essay都是她负责。她修改文书的态度超级赞。基本晚上写完发过去,第二天就能收到改好的版本。不仅如此,Natasha修改文书都是逐字逐句逐标点的,她改完的文书简直就是一篇完美的论文。这样的文书效率对于我这种在学校就很忙、申请学校又多的国际生非常重要。在申请刚开始时,我没有明确的大学目标,基本抱着无所谓的心态,没有ECL,可能我会去一个不适合我的个性也不符合我预期的学校。是ECL让我了解到每个申请学校的特点,允许我根据自己的需求调整申请策略;是ECL让我最终有了明确的目标!我很高兴在ECL的帮助下我能被Bucknell University录取。谢谢一路相伴的ECL!你们是最棒的!
Harry's Story(英文)
ECL is a unique agency. The biggest difference between ECL and other agencies is that ECL has a very good grasp of the characteristics of each student, and helps us to showcase these characteristics in our applications.Before joining ECL, I talked with several agents who worked in other educational consulting companies. They all told me the same simple thing: “according to your scores in SAT and TOEFL, we will guarantee admittance to highly ranking schools”. I felt like these words were perfunctory and were only said in order to urge me to pay their fee. These other study abroad agencies completely ignore the personal characteristics of students and which university will be a good fit, and they only care about university rankings, which sometimes don’t even make sense.ECL’s CEO Jeremy (who is also fluent in Chinese) fully understands the American university system. When giving a list of school choices for each student, he thoroughly considers the different characteristics of each student and evaluates whether each university on the list is a good choice. For example: since I want to study science and engineering, Jeremy suggested that I do not apply to a higher ranked school that is not as strong in engineering and science. On my school list, almost every school has a strong engineering department, which will really help me to grow my professional skills. Meanwhile, the school list that Jeremy helped me develop contained a wide range of schools, not limited to only schools with great reputation in China, but also schools that have no less high-quality educational resources. After careful consideration, I chose to attend Bucknell University over Georgia Tech. It can be said, in the unique school list Jeremy customized for me, I would have been happy to attend any school.I must also commend the excellent ECL consultants! ECL recruits top graduates from American colleges and graduate schools for their abilities to revise essays and help improve our English skills! My first teacher Adam, is a distinct-looking guy who looks like the German footballer Ozil, was responsible for the summer essays and brainstorming, and helped me with my personal statement. He never denied any of my ideas, no matter how absurd they seemed to be, and encouraged open-minded thinking. During revising, he was honest and meticulous in his comments and suggestions. For example, I sometimes express too much Chinglish by using rigid vocabulary, or thinking too much in a Chinese way, but Adam always promptly corrected these kinds of mistakes. Another example was when I wanted to show marvelous words at the beginning of the essay, describing a poetic scene—Adam advised me that a large paragraph of meaningless scene deion would occupy too much of my space to represent myself, and the readers may miss the main point about it. Adam’s unique American ways of thinking were very helpful. Another consultant, Natasha, was responsible for helping me complete my supplemental essays for all the schools to which I applied. Her attitude is really great. If I sent my essay in the evening, the next version would be available by the next morning. Moreover, Natasha modifies essays sentence by sentence, helping students completely perfect their writing. Such efficiencies are very important for international students like me who are very busy in school, on top of applying to college.At the beginning of the application process, I did not have clear objectives about which universities to apply to, and I had quite an indifferent attitude. Without ECL’s help, perhaps I would have ended up at a school that was not a good fit for my personality and goals. ECL educated me on the characteristics of each school I applied to, and allowed me to adjust my tactics for applying to schools. It is ECL who allowed me to finally have clear goals!I am ecstatic that I got the offer from Bucknell University. Thank you to everyone at ECL! You are the best!