发布时间:2016-09-06 09:50 我来说说 我要投稿
1. (To) ace (v.) (a test, exam, etc.):很轻松通过考试;ex:"Robert aced his physics exam."
2. All-ears:洗耳恭听。 ex:"I'm all-ears"
3. All-nighter (n.):刷夜,经常和pull一起用;ex:"We pulled an all-nighter in order to finish the project."
4. Around-the-clock:24/7, 24小时不停歇;ex:"The house was being watched around the clock."
5. B.O.:body odor简称;ex:"The woman sitting beside me had really bad B.O."
6. Blow or Bomb:to fail or to be unsuccessful.
7. Blue or Have the Blues:心情忧郁。
8. Buck:一美元。
9. By the skin of your teeth:just barely.
10. Cash (n.):Money. ex:"You got any cash on you?"
11. Cheesy (adj.):Cheap, tacky. ex:"A cheesy pick-up line", "A cheesy song", etc.
12. Chick (n.):Young woman, girl, etc. (有调笑意味,慎用)
13. Cool (adj.):nice, great, impressive ex:"a cool dress", "a cool guy", "a cool bar"
14. Cop (n.):警察,美剧中经常使用; ex:"My brother is a cop."
15. Creep (n.):非常奇怪,令人感觉不舒服的人. ex:"I don't like Tom. He seems like a creep."
16. Couch Potato:一到假期我们都是沙发上的土豆——天天坐沙发看电视吃东西的死宅
17. Cram:非常努力地准备考试。
18. Crash:to go to sleep; or to show up without invitation ex:"Can I crash here tonight?"
19. Drama queen:非常情绪化的人;Someone who thrives on the dramatic. ex:"Betty is such a drama queen!"
20. Down to earth:实用,简单
21. Dead:Empty; quiet (形容酒吧,餐厅等) ex:"It's really dead in here tonight"
22. Drive up the wall:激怒某人; "He is driving me up the wall."
Dutch or go Dutch:each person pays for his/her own meal.
23. Give the cold shoulder:ignore.
24. Give a ring:to telephone.
25. Hyped (adj.):极其激动;ex:"We're all hyped about the concert next weekend."
26. Hang-over:酒后头疼。
27. Hit the books:study.
28. Hit the road:to leave.
29. Hold your horses:be calm!
30. In no time:Very soon. ex:"Don't worry - We'll be there in no time."
31. Just plain (adj.):Clearly; simply. ex:"He's just plain stupid."
32. Later:"See you later." 简称。
33. Lighten up (v.):放轻松一点;ex:"You gotta learn to lighten up a bit!"
34. Lemon:a bad buy or purchase.
35. Munchies (n.pl):Chips and other types of junk food. ex:"I picked up some munchies on my way from work."
36. Over:"Over" is often used to emphasize location. ex:"I live over on Orange Street." (I live on Orange Street).
37. Oops!:said after a small mistake.
38. Pig out:吃的过多。
39. Ride shotgun (v.):车上司机旁边的位置;ex:"I wanna ride shotgun!"
40. Screw up (v.):犯了错误,做错事;ex:"I really screwed up my audition."